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Monday, April 28, 2014

{Get In Gear Half Marathon}

This past Saturday was a beautiful day for a half marathon!  The sun was shining, there was minimal wind, and even though it was a bit chili at the starting line, the cool temperature was ideal for running!  My sister and I suited up bright and early for our race with the best cheering squad I know!  I am so thankful to have the support on race day from my parents, fiance and sister!

  This was my second half marathon so I kinda knew what to expect come race day, however I didn't set any expectations for this race.   I didn't go into this race wanting a PR, or a specific goal time.  No, this race I was simply there to run because I love running and I love the challenge of a long distance.  This race I was also there to support my sister and be by her side as she tackled her first ever half marathon! 

 I had a blast sharing this race day with her!  It was fun to stand at the starting line together, dancing to "pump up music" while fellow runners glanced at us like we might be crazy!  I loved being able to cheer her on as she crossed the finish line, and was the beaming, proud big sister as I ran to greet her at the finish line!  I would say that this half marathon was a success!

Also, check out this delicious Quick Rotini with Sausage and Tomato Sauce from Cooking Light.  This pasta was the perfect pre-race dinner!  It is delicious!!  Click Here! 

Get in Gear Half Statistics: 
Time - 1:45 - 1:47** Official Times not Posted 
Age Group Place - 17th out of 132
Gender Place - 61 out of 591 

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