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Thursday, March 20, 2014

{Vegetable Stir Fry with Spicy Soy Ginger Sauce and Sesame Quinoa}

Guys, it's Thursday!  We have made it to the back half of the week, and that is exciting, considering I thought that it was Thursday on Tuesday!  It has just been one of those weeks!  Lots going on, long to do lists, I mean I could go on and on!  But that is not why I am here, I am here to talk to you about this amazing stir fry!  This amazingly spicy stir fry that is loaded with veggies, served over the best super grain ever (quinoa) and topped with a delicious "fried" egg for some added protein! 

Yes, my friends, there is a whole lot going on in this stir fry!  But, its delicious and totally worth the dirty pots and pans used to create this concoction!  Stir fry has always been one of my favorites, I am a huge fan of stir fries!  I love that you can turn a few fresh ingredients, grains and a good quality sauce into an irresistible meal!  The best thing about a good stir fry is that you can  control what goes into your stir fry mix, any veggie you like and your good to go!  Broccoli is one of my favorite stir fry ingredients, because the florets soak up all the amazing sauce!  Which reminds me I haven't even told you about the sauce for this stir fry!  The spicy soy ginger sauce is a spin off from this chicken marinade.  This stir fry sauce is spicy with a hint of sweetness from honey and is just amazing.  Sub in whatever veggies you like or have on hand, even add in some chicken or beef instead of using egg whites if your heart desires!  

Vegetable Stir Fry with Spicy Ginger Sauce and Sesame Quinoa
Brunch N'Cupcakes 
Serves 4 

1 Cup Quinoa (Dry, and prepared according to the package) 
1/2 Large Onion Chopped 
2 Cups Broccoli Chopped 
2 Cups Snow Peas
1 Cup Carrots (I like the match stick ones) 
Teaspoon Sesame Oil 
1 Tbs Sesame Seeds
4 Egg Whites**Add in chicken or beef if you would like.  

For Stir Fry Sauce:
1/4 Cup Low Sodium Soy Sauce 
1 Teaspoon Sesame Oil 
1 1/2 Tablespoons Honey 
1 Teaspoon Ground Ginger 
1 Teaspoon Pepper 
2 Teaspoons Corn Starch 

1- Prepare quinoa according to package directions.  Once quinoa is cooked toss with sesame oil and sesame seeds.  Cover and place in warmed oven until stir fry is ready. Whisk together Soy sauce and next 5 ingredients in a small bowl.  Set stir fry sauce aside and begin prepping veggies. 
2- In a skillet sprayed with cooking spray sauté onion until translucent.  Add in Broccoli and Carrots, and snow peas.  Cook until veggies are tender (make sure you do not overcook you do not want your veggies getting mushy) 
3- Pour stir fry sauce over veggies and stir until veggies are evenly coated.  Cook on stove top for 5 minutes or until stir fry sauce begins to thicken.  Cover veggies and reduce heat to low. 
4- At this point fry your 4 egg whites individually to top each stir fry serving with.  This step can be omitted!
5- To serve divide quinoa among four plates, and top with stir fried veggies.  Place egg white on top of veggies, if using.  Serve with additional sesame oil for drizzling, fresh cilantro, and siracha sauce for added heat! 


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