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Thursday, March 27, 2014

{Sesame Kale Salad}

For those of you who have read the blog for a long time, you know that I have a slight addiction to the Lund's salad bar.  I mean the Lund's salad bar is my not so guilty pleasure (can you really feel guilty about a well stocked salad bar, well maybe when you see the price of your salad)!  For those of you who are not from Minnesota, and might not be familiar with Lund's, think Whole Foods and their amazing salad bar, but done local!  The Lund's salad bar is my weakness, and my go to for a quick and healthy dinner on those nights I just do not feel like cooking for one!

I mean we are talking fresh roasted veggies, grains, fruits, flax seeds, prepared fresh assorted salads, you name it and the Lund's salad bar probably has it!  One of my favorite items in or on the Lund's salad bar is this amazing Sesame Kale salad!  This salad always finds it's way into my salad container, and my sister and I pretty much go nuts when Lund's has it!  So you know what I did?  I recreated their delicious Sesame Kale Salad at home, and you know what it taste identical to Lund's, and now I can enjoy it anytime I want!  In fact, I snapped an iPhone picture of the finished salad and sent it to my sister and she couldn't tell the difference!  A few simple ingredients, and you have a flavor packed nutrient rich salad!

Sesame Kale Salad 
Brunch N'Cupcakes 
Serves 4

1 Large Bunch Kale - Chopped 
2 Teaspoons Sesame Oil + Additional for drizzling over salad when serving 
1 Teaspoon Low Sodium Soy Sauce 
1 Tablespoon Sesame Seeds 
Course Ground Pepper to Taste
1 Cup Match Stick Carrots
Siracha - Optional for Serving 

1- Place Kale in a large salad bowl and drizzle with sesame oil.  Message sesame oil into Kale leaves for 3-5 minutes.  Add soy sauce and again message kale leaves.  
2- Toss kale with sesame seeds, carrots and pepper and place in fridge for an hour to mingle. 
3- To serve divide kale among four plates and drizzle with additional sesame oil (about 1/2 teaspoon per plate) or drizzle with siracha for a little kick, both are optional.  Top this kale salad with avocado slices, grilled chicken/fish/shrimp, or beans for a little added bulk! 



  1. Wow, what a great salad. I found it on Pinterest and I just made it. So easy to make and it's delicious. I added a teaspoon of rice wine vinegar to help soften the kale and some sugar snap peas (since I already had them). I love the sriracha sauce as the dressing. Thanks so much for this killer recipe!

  2. Thank you for stopping by and for the wonderful feedback! I am so glad that you loved the recipe! I am going to have to try the rice wine vinegar, and the sugar snap peas! Both sound amazing! Thanks for stopping by!!!


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