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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

{Snack Attack; Black Bean Hummus With Cilantro & Garlic}

When I first heard of hummus,  I thought the entire concept of eating mashed beans/legumes was a little odd.  The texture seemed weird, the color just looked unappealing and I figured there was no way I could or would ever like hummus! 

Boy, was I ever wrong!  I tried hummus and I absolutely fell in love with the stuff.  I now enjoy hummus all the time!  I enjoy hummus as a sandwich base, dip for veggies, topping for salads... I am sure I could list off a million other things but I will stop there!  I got the inspiration for this delicious black bean cilantro/garlic hummus from Trader Joe's.  Trader Joe's has a jalapeno cilantro hummus, and it is delicious.  But when I found myself with supplies to make my favorite hummus at home, I quickly turned to a lonely can of black beans and got creative.  The end result,  this delicious flavor packed black bean hummus!  

  Hummus not your thing?  Try it... you might just like it! 

Black Bean Hummus with Cilantro & Garlic
Brunch N'Cupcakes 

1 Can Low Sodium Black Beans Drained 
2-3 Cloves Garlic (Depending on how garlicky you want it)
1/4 Cup Fresh Cilantro Leaves 
1 Teaspoon Cumin 
1/4 Teaspoon Salt 
2-3 Tablespoons Water 

1- In a food processor pulse garlic until chopped, add in cilantro and pulse/blend till finely chopped. 
2- Add black beans and 1 tablespoon water.  Pulse/blend until beans are mashed.  Check consistency and another tablespoon water, cumin and salt.  Pulse/blend until combined.  
3- Check consistency again, add  3rd tablespoon of water if you would prefer a thinner consistency.  


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