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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

{Brunch or Dinner: "Meaty" Vegetarian Breakfast Burritos}

I have mentioned before, actually in "this" post that the thought of eggs with any kinda of red "sauce" used to give me the creeps, and now here I am creating a breakfast burrito that features both eggs and salsa!  I have lost my mind! 

In fact, when we had breakfast burritos in Lutsen I practically drowned me eggs in that spicy stuff!  Eggs and salsa are just two things I absolutely adore together now.  I still don't understand the whole eggs and ketchup thing but salsa and eggs I can do!  

Here I am going on and on about my obsession with eggs and salsa.  When what I really should be going on and on about is how delicious these "Meaty" vegetarian breakfast burritos are!  I use the term "meaty" because I used thick cut portobello mushrooms to beef up the filling for these delicious vegetarian breakfast burritos.  I marinaded the portobello mushrooms prior to cooking them and they turned out just lovely.  A combination of balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, cumin and siracha give these meaty mushrooms a nice tang!  If your not feeding a huge crowed you can easily make the mushrooms, saute the peppers and onions and then store until needed.  If your serving one portion out a few tablespoons of the pepper and onion mixture and cook with 2 eggs!  Serve warm rolled in a tortilla topped with salsa, cheese and avocado.  Perfect for weekend brunch or even dinner! 

"Meaty" Vegetarian Breakfast Burritos 
Recipe - Brunch N' Cupcakes 
Serves 4-6

4 Portobello Mushroom Caps (Cut into thick slices) 
4-6 Whole Wheat Tortillas 
3/4 Cup Chopped Red Pepper 
1 Half a Medium Onion Chopped 
Salt and Pepper to Taste 
 4 Egg  Whites 
3 Whole Eggs 
Avocado Slices - optional 
Salsa - optional for serving 
Cheddar Cheese - optional for serving 
Sour Cream/Greek Yogurt - option for serving 

Marinade Ingredients: 
2 Tablespoons Low Sodium Soy Sauce 
2 Tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar 
1 Tablespoon Sesame Oil 
2 Teaspoons Siracha Sauce 
1 Teaspoon Cumin, Garlic and Chili Powder


1- Clean and dry portobello mushroom caps, and cut into thick strips 
2- Combine marinade ingredients in a small bowl, gently toss portobello mushroom slices in marinade until evenly coated.  Set in fridge and let sit for 20-30 minutes. 
3- Heat a grill pan coated with cooking spray and cook portobello mushroom slices for 3 minutes on each side until tender.  Set in a heated oven to keep warm.  
4- Whisk together eggs and egg whites in a bowl and set aside. 
5- Next heat saute pepper and onion in a small skillet coated with cooking spray until tender.  About 5 minutes.  Now slowly pour eggs into skillet and cook eggs, scrapping the bottom of the pan frequently until eggs reach the desired consistency. 
6- To serve divide eggs among tortillas and top with 2-3 portobello mushroom slices.  Serve with avocado, salsa, and sour cream. 

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