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Monday, January 13, 2014

{Clean Eating - Breakfast}

When I decided that I wanted to start "eating clean" at least once a week, I thought it was going to be this huge process.  However when I really stepped back and looked at my diet (not a fan of that word) I realized that my diet is pretty "clean."  

The hardest part about eating "clean" one day a week has been the sweetener in my coffee, and the random little condiments I might use on a daily basis like salad dress, canned tomatoes or other things of that nature!

But today I want to share with you some of my go to clean eating breakfasts!  These are breakfast that can be "grab and go" on the way to work or enjoyed lazily on the weekends in your favorite pajamas!  The key to clean eating for me is simple, the fewer the ingredients the better! 

Brunch and Cupcakes Clean Eating Breakfast Ideas:

Greek Yogurt with Berries and Honey:

Fage is my greek yogurt of choice!  I buy a large container and portion out my breakfast serving the night before into a sealable container.  In the morning simply toss a handful of berries in with your yogurt add a drizzle of honey and your out the door! ** Sprinkle with cinnamon and rolled oats to jazz it up!

Clean Eating Overnight Oats:

Overnight oats is are rolled oats that have been combined with milk or yogurt, and are usually enjoyed cold.  Like the name suggests all the recipe prep is done the night before, thats why this recipe is perfect for hectic.busy mornings.  All you do is combine the oats, milk and yogurt the night before in a sealable container, and pop in the fridge.  The oats absorb the moisture from the yogurt and milk and "cook."  Eat the next morning topped with berries or banana and a drizzle of honey.  **Warning these overnight oats do take some getting used to!  

1/3 Rolled Oats 
2 Tbs Plain Greek Yogurt 
1/3 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk 
1 Tbs Chia Seeds **Super Food 
Toppings of Choice: I like Banana or berries with a drizzle of honey 

Oatmeal with Lemon Blueberry Compote

Recipe Here - sub in honey or sucatant to make recipe "clean" (more of a weekend recipe)

And for those of you who prefer more of a savory breakfast...

Avocado on Toast with Fresh Ground Pepper, paprika and Herbs 

1-2 Pieces of bread, toasted.  I use bread from a local bread shop called the Breadsmith.  They use only ingredients I can pronounce!  I also like Ezekial Bread!
3-4 Avocado Slices (about half an avocado)
2 Tablespoons Chopped Fresh Cilantro
Dash of Paprika and Fresh Ground Pepper
Fresh Lime wedge (optional)

1- Toast Bread
2- Top toast with avocado slices.
3- Sprinkle with paprika, pepper and fresh cilantro.  Squirt with fresh lime juice (optional).

Here are a few more clean eating breakfast ideas from around the web!

Clean eating green smoothie - The Gracious Pantry 
Slow Cooker Apple Cinnamon Steel Cut Oats - Eating Bird Food 
Clean Eating Breakfast Cookies (perfect grab and go!) - Dishing Up Hope 



  1. What a great list of ideas for breakfast! Love the idea of the avocado. Thanks for linking up to the breakfast cookies =-)


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