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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Practice Makes Perfect

Yesterday, I got to be a part of something amazing!  As many of you know I have been volunteering as an Assistant Coach with Girls on the Run Twin Cities for the past few months and yesterday just so happened to be our  practice 5K!  Read about Girls on the Run here! 

Our practice 5K took place at beautiful Lake Harriot and despite some not so ideal weather we all had a blast!  The practice 5K is to help gear the girls up for the real 5K we will hold at the end of the Girls on the Run Season. 

I had the privilege of running alongside one of the girls I coach and was so proud of her as I watched her cross the finish line!  I had a big smile on my face as I watched each one of our girls cross the finish line and could not be more proud of them!

It was truly an amazing afternoon and I can hardly wait for the real Girls on the Run 5K!  For those Minneapolis runners out there if you’re looking to run a 5K on November 16th sign up for ours!  Follow this link to participate and run alongside our Girls on the Run Girls!  It is going to be a blast! 

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