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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

One Great Surprise

After a very long and dreary Monday morning (the weather here is just dreadful) I was extremely excited to find a little surprise had been delivered to my apartment... 

My copy of the new Cooking Light Cookbook
Lighten Up, America! 
Favorite American Foods Made Guilt Free 

This cookbook doesn't hit shelves until October 22nd so I was super pumped when I found out Cooking Light was sending all their bloggers a copy!!! 

The Cookbook follows Allison Fishman Task's (host of Yahoos! Blue Ribbon Hunter) as she travels across the United States on one mission... Learning about the most beloved foods in the United States, the history behind those foods and revamping our beloved recipes into nutritional powerhouses! 

This book is chalked full of fabulous recipes and pictures.  Think your mom's homemade apple pie, the fluffiest pancakes and many other beloved American favorites! 

I have already read the cookbook cover to cover (yes with a cup of tea and a warm quilt) and squealed with excitement at all the wonderful recipes and drooled over the amazing pictures!  

I have already made one recipe from the cookbook - check out this post for more about it (featured in the October Cooking Light Magazine)! 

I highly recommend checking out the new cookbook once it hits shelves!  You wont be sorry. I plan on sharing some new recipes from the Cooking Light Cookbook ASAP! 

Happy Wednesday! 


  1. Yum, I need to check out this cookbook!

  2. Can't wait to check it out! Adore this post, love. If you get a free moment, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest. :) xo


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