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Monday, April 29, 2013

Spring has Sprung...

Finally Minnesota is experiencing warmer weather! The snow has finally melted and I feel like I can begin to pack up my winter turtle necks and sweaters!  Derek and I had a wonderful weekend that was spent mostly outside (when you have been cooped up all winter you just can't help but be outside 24/7)!

Friday I took off work a little early and met Derek and his cousin Nate for a beautiful 5.3 mile run around Lake Harriet! I had to laugh that I was dressed in shorts and a tank top while there was still ice on the lake! We ended up grabbing a drink after our run at a little snack shack on Lake Calhoun.  Where we got to enjoy the most beautiful sunset!

Later we ventured over to JJ's wine bar for a light dinner and then called it an early night!

Saturday I woke up bright and early with the sun streaming into my room and I was instantly in a good mood! I was ready to seize the day I guess you could say! My parents came up for the day/night so we spent most of our day walking around little shops and enjoying the beautiful weather on patios and roof tops! Check out our view from Stella's roof top, where we enjoyed dinner!

We ended our wonderful weekend Sunday with church followed by brunch with both Derek and my family! It was relaxing and enjoyable to be able to spend time with both families! We wrapped up our night with our last long run (12 miles) before our first ever half marathon.  Race day is next Sunday!  I have to say I am glad that our race is just a week away! I anxiously awaiting the run!

And just because the weather has been so beautiful, (the type of weather that makes you want to grill everything) I thought I would share a few of my favorite grilling/summer recipes from around the web!
Chicken with Honey Beer Sauce  from  Cooking Light (delicious and one of Derek's Favs!) - could easily use the Honey Beer Sauce as a marinade 

and because who doesn't love a good spring/summer dessert! 



  1. it is slowly but surely becoming spring in new york as well. We have had a few nice days, but I hope the warmer weather starts to stick around!

  2. those chicken recipes look amazing! sounds like you had a great weekend :-) miss you!!


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