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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Scenes from the Weekend - Down South

Happy Tuesday Lovelies. 
This past weekend Derek and I were down south visiting our families for the weekend.  And when I say down South I really just mean Southern Minnesota! I had my lovely friend Katie's baby shower so Derek and I just decided to spend some quality time at home! 

Check out some of the fun things we did!

Beautiful Fall Day!
I made Derek stop on the drive down to Whalen so I could take these pictures!
Love the new panoramic camera on the Iphone 5!

Just spending some time in the fields!

My first time in a combine!

Look the tire is taller then me!

Making homemade Applesauce... Yum!

Recipe to come....
Just wait it is good!

and lovely girls at Katie's baby shower!

What did you do this weekend?

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