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Monday, June 4, 2012

June Goals

Another Monday is here and we are at the start of a new month! 
I am still wrapping my mind around the fact that it is already June!  Summer and warm weather are officially here!  I feel like just yesterday we were ringing in 2012, where has the time gone?

As I was thinking about the New Year I was suddenly reminded of those new years resolutions I made months ago.  

For those of you that are new read about my new years resolutions here and here

As I looked back at everything I wanted to accomplish this year, I decided that I wanted to have some short term month to month goals!  I decided to compile a small list! 

1-Take a Ballet Class! 

I live about 5 blocks from my old Ballet School, and something inside me is telling me to go back and dance!  I am nervous for this, because I have not taken a ballet class in years.  

2- Start training this month for a 10k.  
This past weekend while home I did a wonderful 5 mile run through the woods! 
It is my longest run to date since I healed up from my stress fracture!  I will be running my first 5k in about a month and a half, but I am ready to get back into the long runs! 

3- In June I want to start budgeting. 

I have to be honest I am not good with this, but this month I want to begin saving more!  I also want to be responsible and know where my money is going!

4-I want to join a bible study this month.  
My company offers many bible studies during lunch, and since I am officially done with training I think now is a great time to join one! 

5-I want to get the blogs recipe page/pin challenge page cleaned up and back online! 

These are just some of the short term goals I hope to accomplish this month!  
Do you guys set up monthly goals?


  1. i LOVE your #1 goal! i have been itching to do the same thing! did catch the new cw series "breaking pointe"? it's about ballet west in salt lake city. if not, you should definitely check it out this thursday! have a good week and good luck on your goals this month!

  2. Take the class!! I still miss should totally do it. I'm sure you won't regret it!!

  3. i need to seriously start budgeting as well! good luck with all the goals

  4. Great goals!!! Ballet would be so much fun!

  5. Nice chosen goals. It only shows how wisely you spends time. Keep it up dear!


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