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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fresh Start - Hello 2012

I hope that everyone had a wonderful time ringing in 2012!  I know that we did, but I have to say I am sad the weekend went by so fast.  I have to apologize I was to lazy to upload the pictures we took on NYE, but don't worry I will share them with you soon!

The start of a New Year always makes me think about things I could improve upon in my life.  Call them New Years resolutions or goals or whatever you like! 
But here are my 5 big resolutions, or things I want to work on in 2012:
1- I want to run a 5 and 10k.   Little fact about me, even though I love running I have never actually ran a race(the one 5k I was supposed to run got rained out), so in 2012 I want to change that!  I just need to find the races and settle on the dates! I am looking into this one
and this one.

2- I want to not sweat the small stuff in 2012.  
It is so easy for me to sit and worry about every little thing.  This in turn causes me to stress out way to much over things that might never happen.  I want to enjoy everything life has to offer in 2012 and not constantly worry about the little things that may go wrong from time to time!
3- I want to continue the path to healthy living.  A healthy lifestyle takes work.  In 2012 I want to make better food choices, explore more healthy recipes and learn more about nutrition (maybe I will even start school)!
4- I want to work more on loving myself, and the person that I am.  I will admit that I beat myself up a lot!  This year I want to focus less on the negative and more on the positive.  I want to tell myself I can do whatever I put my mind to!
5- Going along with loving myself I also want to love others, and give thanks for the love and support I have in my life.  I want to grow deeper in relationships.  Relationships with my family, friends and God.  I have not talked about religion much on the blog, but religion is something that I have very strong feelings about (also an area of my life I know I need to grow in).  
There are a few other smaller goals I have for the year like relaxing more (so bad at that) staying organized, and reading more but those 5 are the big ones!  

So what about all of you,
Do you make New Years Resolutions or goals for your year?  What do you want to accomplish in 2012?
And how was everyone else's New Years?


  1. These are some great goals! I think you should look into running the color run in atlanta....just sayin'. :)

  2. great post to start the first week of the new year!

  3. Great, great way to look forward to a new year! Good luck with the 5 and 10k! I know you can do it :)

  4. These are such great goals! Happy New to you and yours! :)

  5. my resolution is to read my bible more, i will get to work a bit earlier and sit in my car and read His word. so very important and something i need to make a priority! yes get on that 5K and 10K you can do it hilliary!! how was your time with Mark?

  6. These are fab. I kept things kind of simple for this year. I want to watch less TV, and read more books.

  7. Those are great goals! I actually identify a lot with them.

  8. i love the if plan A doesn't work picture! soooo soooo true!!!

    love your goals. you got this!!!

  9. I can totally relate. I'm also trying to just let the little things go and focus on having a full life in 2012. I beat myself up a lot too over things that don't really matter.

    But on the bright side, I think you should totally do a race!!

  10. I'm a goal setter too! And not just at new years, it keeps me focused :) I've always wanted to run a race and I've always been to scared of a true marathon! Maybe I'll try a 5K. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  11. you have setup some great goals for yourself. I completely forgot about growing deeper in my relationship with my husband, i think that's very important, sometimes we are so content with what we have, that we need to do better. Happy New Year

  12. Awesome goals, girlie! Especially the "love yourself" one. :) I think we all need to know how precious and worthy we are of God's love, beauty, and appreciation! I always have the same goals--to grow in character and spirit. Then, I know everything else will fall into place. Okay, and also go to bed early and get up really early. :)

  13. I love these goals - especially the running one. I've been trying to "become" a runner, but no luck yet :) I keep trying though! xo

  14. i def. feel that goals/resolutions are necessary in the new year ... i don't know why people don't like to do my opinion it is a reminder on the things you hope to accomplish in a years time.

    i love the fact that you want to do all those races, i wish i liked to run. hmm, maybe something i can think about doing this year.

    and i am with you on the cooking healthier meals. healthy can also be delicious. i finally learned that last year :)


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