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Friday, December 9, 2011

Cold Weather Essentials, Because Baby It's Cold Outside

It was a rude awakening leaving the house this morning for work,and facing a negative temperature!  Winter has finally set in, so much for hoping for a mild winter right?  Cold dreary Minnesota winter days make me long to stay inside, preferably curled up in warm blanket, a cup of hot chocolate (with lots of marshmallows, but not the itty bitty kind that come in the hot chocolate mix) and of course with the fire place going.  Since I left the house this morning looking slightly like an Eskimo... yes I had multiple layers on, I thought it would only be suiting that I share some of my must have cold weather essentials!  Oh and a link to the most glorious chocolate chip cookies!

Nothing helps beat the harsh winter weather like these fabulous finds!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

And now as promised, that glorious chocolate chip cookie recipe! Because tis the season for delicious baked goods!
PS sub in coconut for the walnuts you won't be sorry!
Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. Those rainboots are definitely on my Christmas list this year! In red. I want them so bad!! And I'm a sucker for chocolate chip cookies. Mail some to me? haha Have a great weekend!! :)

  2. I love a red peacoat! This is gorgeous!

  3. Love this post! I especially like the coat and infinity scarf! Good luck surviving those super cold temps...I don't think I could do it! I'm having a giveaway, so go check it out to enter to win lots of fun goodies for yourself this Christmas! :)

  4. Mittens and scarves are a MUST! I love the coat that you picked, very cute! Those cookies look pretty delish!

  5. oohh brrr negative temps stay warm up there hilliary!! get those hunters to stay cute during the frigid temps and i love chocolate chip cookies especially when they are fresh and warm out of the oven!

  6. OH my gosh, negative temps?!?! I could not handle it! The chocolate chip cookies look delic!! Have a great weekend!

  7. NEGATIVE?! BOO! It was definitely cold here, which made me so grateful for my garage and a warm car. I am looking for a new down coat for the winter time ;)

    Oh and Ghiradelli choc chip cookies are to die for!

  8. I have been coveting that coat!! The color is just gorgeous and I love the off-kilter zipper. Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. I have been putting on an extra layer of cookie padding this year....yikes!!!! not ok!

    Classic & Bubbly

  10. What!!! I can't even imagine what the negatives would be like lol! It's 63 here in Texas and that is cold to me haha!

  11. ugh... winter has definitely arrived. Opening the door to snow was not what I wanted at 6 am! Love that orange coat!!

  12. agree, love that coat! have a great weekend!

  13. love the snood and the red jacket!

    xoxo navy & orange

  14. I'm in love with that infinity scarf! Love, love, love :)

  15. hmm.. great cookies :)

  16. negative temps?! oh my goodness. I'm not sure my southern skin could handle it! Love your cold weather essentials though! Stay warm this weekend!!

  17. the scarf looks super cozy. and that cookie looks so good. never tried ghirardelli's recipe.

  18. i was wishing i had my wellies last week during my visit to DC... hope you're having a nice weekend!

  19. Great coat. It's such a nice color.

  20. All of those things are definitely on my list of great things for cold weather! I love all the brightly colored wool coats I keep makes my black one seem so boring!

  21. You finally now just got skinny jeans! YOU"LL LOVE THEM!!!! Also thanks for entering the giveaway on Hollie's blog that I'm sponsoring! You're sweet!


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