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Monday, July 25, 2011

And We are Back... Sorta! Wedding and Ohio Updates!

Happy Monday!  I cannot believe that Monday is already here once again!  I am still not back home in Minnesota but I figured I would get you up to date on what has been going on this weekend!  If you are just catching up here are some of the things that went on this weekend!
Check out 
One Last Breakfast to check out some of Mark and my eats from the weekend.  But now its time to talk about the wedding!
Do any of you have a favorite part at a wedding?  My favorite part is when the bride first walks down the aisle.  I love looking back at the grooms face, the grooms expression is that of pure happiness as he sees his bride for the first time!  the wedding Mark and I went to this weekend was a friend of mine from college!  I enjoyed being able to see some old Fraternity friends and sorority sisters!  I always have a good time catching up with people I have not seen for a while! Not to mention I loved getting dressed, up!  Here are a few pictures from the wedding!

Sunday after the wedding Mark and I packed up hit the local Starbucks and headed to Dayton!  The drive was not bad at all (only two hours) and I got a nice little nap in!  Clearly the coffee did not help me wake up!  We did a quick shopping trip with Marks mom (I needed a new top for my interview), then it was time for cocktails, and bananagrams!!!
Later in the evening I did win a game!
I was super excited about winning, I never win at Bananagrams!!
But lets talk about the fabulous dinner that was grilled!
Have any of you ever heard of beer can chicken?  If you haven't or have never had beer can chicken you have to no need to make this chicken ASAP!  Beer can chicken is where you grill a whole chicken with a beer can stuck inside of it!  The beer helps keep the chicken super moist and tender, so good!
Our Menu
Beer Can Chicken
Grilled Veggies
Grilled Sweet Potatoes
and for dessert...
Grilled Georgia Peaches!
Yum Oh Yum, and the rain did not stop the grilling.  

Prepped and ready to grill!
Veggie packet with balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, and rosemary!  Yum!

Grilled Peaches!
Dinner is served!
The chicken all prepped and ready to sit on the grill!  The chicken took about an hour to cook!  Check out this youtube video on how to make beer can chicken on the grill!
Super easy and super tasty!  Also check out this website!
You really need to make this!
I know this post has gotten kinda long but there was a lot to share with you all!  I hope you are having a great start to your week!  And as always remember to live Happily Ever Healthy!


Leave a sweet little note! Your comments are greatly appreciated and brighten my day!