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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Graham Cracker Cookie Balls

I love cooking/creating things in the kitchen with my little guy.  And with this added time at home (give me all the snacks), I thought it was the perfect time to whip up a fun, kid friendly (and adult friendly) snack that little hands can help you prepare! 

These Graham Cracker Cookie Balls are a spin off of an old Brunch N'Cupcakes recipe, linked here.  PB, Rolled Oats, Graham Crackers and Mini Chocolate Chips come together to make an easy grab and go snack, or sweet after dinner treat!  Little hands can help crush graham crackers, dump and stir the recipe together.  Older kiddos can help roll the dough into balls if they like.  

Graham Cracker Cookie Balls
Makes 12-15 Cookie Balls  

1 1/2 Cup Rolled Oats
1 Cup Peanut Butter (I used Jiff Natural, you could also use Sun Butter if have a PB allergy) 
5 Graham Crackers 
1/3 Cup Honey (can add 1/2 cup if you would like a little sweeter) 
1/2 Cup Mini Chocolate Chips 

1-Place graham crackers in a zip lock bag, and crush until you have graham cracker crumbs.  If you have a kiddo cooking with you let them crush the bag with their hands or roll a rolling pin over the bag to crush the graham crackers. 
2- Combine peanut butter, crushed graham crackers, oats and honey in a large mixing bowl (little hands can help with this step too if cooking with a kiddo).  Mix together until well combined.
3- Stir in mini chocolate chips.  Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and begin shaping "dough" into one inch balls.  Continue rolling dough into one inch balls until no dough remains.  Place in fridge for about an hour to allow balls to firm.  Store in an air tight container for about a week.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Spring Craft Idea for Littles

I am always thankful for Springs arrival (goodbye Winter)!  But this year with everything going on I am extra grateful for beautiful weather so we can get outside for a bit and escape the house, while still social distancing ourselves of course. 

With the weather warming up, and Easter right around the corner I thought I would share a fun little Spring craft idea with you all.  It's a perfect activity to keep little's occupied, and doesn't require a ton of craft supplies!  You likely already have everything you need in your house!  Here is what you need...

- Paint 
- Construction Paper 
- Pom Poms - Optional 
- Googly Eyes - Optional
- Small cups or a plate for paint
- Empty Toilet Paper or Paper Towel Roll- Cut into small sections - you will use these to paint
- Felt Add Ons - Optional, we got the cute little bunny faces at Target in the dollar section, doesnt look like they are online! 

Here is what you do! 

1 - Trace a bunny shape out on construction paper, I free handed mine with a small round Tupperware bowl.  Or click here for one I created that you can print out and trace. 
2- Cut your bunny out and place on newspaper (it might get messy). 
3- Pour a small amount of paint in small cups or on a plate, we used 3 different colors. 
4- Dip the end of a toilet paper/paper towel roll into each of the paint colors and then use the toilet paper/paper towel roll to dab/paint your bunny however you like! 
5 - Let bunny dry and then decorate with googly eyes, pom poms or felt add ons (I found ours randomly in the Target $ Section).  We then mounted our bunny to another piece of construction paper and voila you're done!

Enjoy and Happy Spring!