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Thursday, March 21, 2019

My Skin Care Journey Part 1

**Disclosure - The below post contains affiliate links.  Which means I will receive a small commission if you click a link and make a purchase.  Clicking the link is no cost to you.**

As I have gotten older I have started to become more conscious about the types of products I use.    As someone who lives an active lifestyle I was already pretty conscious of what I was putting in my body food wise, but wasn’t putting as much thought or care into what I was putting on my body!   I was the type of person that never had a true skincare routine, and kinda just bought products with little to no research hoping I would see the results I wanted.

Fast forward to turning 30 (and later becoming a mom) and something switched in me.  I finally decided enough was enough and started the search for a more natural skincare routine, a routine I could stick with year after year.  Eventually all of this searching led me to a little natural soap shop in my little MN River town and Beautycounter. 

Today I want to share with you my morning skincare routine because it differs greatly from my nighttime routine.  I want to share with you the products I am loving, and that might work for you!  

My morning routine is simple, because hello mom life!  These 4 products are how I prep my skin for make up and the day ahead!  I have found a few good quality products can elevate even the simplest morning routine!  

So let’s get it started!  

Cleanser -

I am a shower in the AM girl, so while in the shower I use Modern Roots (local all natural soap shop) Milk Kefir Face Wash  or Beautycounter's CounterControl Clear Pore Cleanser.    I love these face washes for many reasons.  But the major reason I love them is because they help me combat breakouts (because post Theo I now have teenager like skin and breakouts galore)!  Both face washes are all natural and smells great, and bonus they exfoliate!   

Moisturizer – 

Post shower these are the products I lean on in the AM.  I apply all three prior to putting on my make-up.         

This is my go to all over moisturizer and I love it!  This moisturizer is light weight but super hydrating, and not greasy at all!  Along with providing 24-hours of hydration, but the hydration  levels actually adjust throughout the day to give your skin exactly what it needs.   

Before Beautycounter I thought a facial oil would make me oily, and was scared to try them (especially with my new found postpartum breakouts).  But I was so wrong!  I use a few drops of Beautycounter No. 1 Brightening oil in my Beautycounter Adaptive Moisturizer.  I love the extra boost of moister this oil provides but also love that the Vitamin C helps brighten my dull tired skin and also helps erase dark spots and discoloration.  Plus this oil smells amazing!

I remember my mom giving me my first pot of eye cream at 25, and even though I didn’t have a firm skin care routine, I always made sure to use an eye cream.   This eye cream has been a game changer for me.  I love it because a little bit goes a long way, and because it has seriously helped with the tiny fine lines I am starting to see pop up now that I am 30!

I hope you enjoyed this post, stay tuned for my nightly skincare routine coming soon!  And as always if you have any questions feel free to reach out! 

Friday, March 1, 2019

My Relationship with Running

Sharing a little different post with you today, a post I have been thinking about writing for a while now.   It just took me longer then anticipated to get my thoughts out on “paper.” 

If you have followed the blog for any length of time, or even my Instagram account you will know that I used to be an obsessed runner!  I was never the fastest runner, and I never won any races but I was obsessed.  Obsessed with logging miles, pushing my body, and reaching new PR times. I was constantly thinking or talking about runningto the point where running sort of became my only identity. Don’t get me wrong, identifying as a runner is not a bad thing, but running consumed every part of me to the point where running felt like a chore most days and was turning into more of a stresser in my life than a stress reliever. 

I share this background with you because having Theo has changed my relationship and outlook on running and working out in general.  When I was pregnant with Theo I viewed running and working out as a way of keeping myself healthy to endure the 9 months of carrying a baby.  Working out pregnant helped me clear my head and feel like my pre-pregnancy self.  I will admit once I delivered Theo I was anxious to get back to my pre-baby self, and counted down the weeks until I was cleared to workout.  But what happened once I was cleared to workout again amazed me.

I found myself running when I had time, or when my body truly felt up to it.  I learned what it meant to truly take a rest day and listen to my body.  I found I had more fun pushing Theo in the running stroller for short runs than on solo runs.  And I felt like my love for running was coming back.  I was enjoying moving my body, and not stressing about the next training run our if I would PR in a half (or other race distance).    

I share all this with you because sometimes we get so sucked into one aspect of our life that it can consume us.  Having Theo was a good way for me to reexamine my life and priorities.  Having a healthy body and lifestyle is still a priority but being a wife, mom and Christian are also major priorities that come before running or working out. I also share this with you because it is ok to examine your life and shift your priorities.  You have to do what is best for your current life and not try to fit societies standard for yourself!